lassarina Apr 23, 2009 15:35
it's all nikki's fault, crack pairings ahoy
lassarina Jan 16, 2009 20:47
your toreador does what?, tags more expressive than the entry, st ajora it's a war lion!, moppet!, laughing too hard to breathe, jesus christ it's a horcrux, things that smell fabulous, such a dork, i doubt your commitment to sparklemotion, i want balthier's cock, kitty approves, coherence? fuck your coherence, bow before the robot overlords, nat is happy shinies, i want a drink, sexual relations with waterfowl, capslock of joy, basically i am awesome, going to the special hell, drunk, good times, cock is the new plot, winning at life, a distinct lack of pants, ashley's ass is the reinforcements, too many tags, it's all nikki's fault, ooh shiny, sev and rina need a hobby, the no-pants party, activate fangirl, the internet is for porn, easily amused kitty likes twist-ties, bringing sexy back, sev/rina otp, sev/zeromus otp, zeromus wants this action, gimme the cock, your sideplot is my metaplot, can i just lick it, omg squee, this is nat's fault, it's 5 o'clock somewhere, flailing pointlessly, i wants the shiny
lassarina Feb 26, 2007 16:26
it's all nikki's fault, quotes: video games, final fantasy vi, bunnied